Board Members

The WR&R Board of Directors is elected every year and is composed of seven individuals. The current board members are listed below.

Position Name Email Phone
President Vacant NA NA
Vice President Michelle McCay-Moran 530-559-5348
Secretary Allie Sennett 916-521-5798
Treasurer Bonnie Sterngold 650-444-4888
Director-at-Large Julie Griffith-Flatter NA
Director-at-Large Vacant NA NA
Director-at-Large Vacant NA NA

Board Meetings and Materials

Board meetings are held from 5PM to 6:30PM every third Wednesday of the month.

  • Members and volunteers are welcome to attend in-person at the Intake Center or online through Zoom.
  • To attend virtually, please reach out to a Board Member (contacts above) for a Zoom meeting link.
  • Meeting minutes and agendas are available for download from our Box website.